cabal-install is the command line interface to Cabal and hackage. This is the package that provides the cabal command line program. See the change log for information about what's new in this version.
The previous stable release series for Cabal was 3.4.x. The previous stable release series for cabal-install was 3.4.x. The versions bundled with recent Haskell implementation releases include: GHC 9.4.1 includes Cabal
GHC 9.2.4 includes Cabal
GHC 9.2.1 includes Cabal
GHC 9.0.2 includes Cabal
GHC 8.10.4 includes Cabal
GHC 8.8.4 includes Cabal
GHC 8.6.5 includes Cabal
GHC 8.4.4 includes Cabal
GHC 8.2.2 includes Cabal
GHC 8.0.2 includes Cabal
GHC 7.10.3 includes Cabal
Older releases of cabal-install October 2021 October 2021 February 2021 March 2020 August 2019 November 2018 September 2018 March 2018 December 2017 August 2017 Older releases of Cabal March 2022 October 2021 September 2021 August 2021 February 2021 October 2020 March 2020 March 2020 March 2020 August 2019 November 2018 September 2018 September 2018 March 2018 March 2018 December 2017 November 2017 August 2017 You can browse the rest of releases in cabal Back to the Main Page
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This procedure will install the released version of pandoc, which will be downloaded automatically from HackageDB. The pandoc executable will be placed in $HOME/.cabal/bin on linux/unix/macOS and in %APPDATA%\cabal\bin on Windows. Make sure this directory is in your path.
It is possible to compile pandoc such that the data files pandoc uses are embedded in the binary. The resulting binary can be run from any directory and is completely self-contained. With cabal, add -fembed_data_files to the cabal configure or cabal install commands.
The cabal-install package provides a command line tool named cabal.It uses the Cabal library and provides a user interface to theCabal/Hackage build automation and package management system. It canbuild and install both local and remote packages, includingdependencies.
For most users, we recommend installing the Haskell Platform instead of GHC. The current Haskell Platform release includes a recent GHC release as well as some other tools (such as cabal), and a larger set of libraries that are known to work together.
So following that link will get you what you want: the Haskell Platform is GHC plus the packages and tools you want, including Cabal (the library) and cabal-install (the command-line tool). Since you're on OS X, you can also use Homebrew to get the GHC and Cabal if you want: brew install ghc cabal-install.
The most concerted effort that I have seen is Haskell Stack. They start with the stack tool, which is a package manager and build tool; it uses cabal for download and installation and (usually) ghc for compilation, as well as whatever build tools you have on your computer. Stack uses an lts (long-term support, I think) profile that identifies a set of package versions that are known to work with each other. You can tell stack to use a particular lts profile for your project, and it will maintain that as part of your build profile, even when you add specific packages.
Optionally one can also install the ICU library, which is used to implementthe --count-clusters flag. Under Debian or Ubuntu it may sufficeto install libicu-dev. Once the ICU library is installed one canhopefully enable the --count-clusters flag by giving theenable-cluster-counting flag to cabal install:
After this, we will use cabal to first update it package directory, andthen to install the TidalCycles library. We will also run these twocommands every time we want to update our TidalCycles library to thelatest version.
If you've never installed TidalCycles before, then thecabal v1-install tidal step may take some time. At the end of thecommand output, it should say Installed tidal-x.x.x (where x.x.x isthe latest version number) without any errors.
ghcup will install the latest stable version of cabal. However, as of the time of writing this, Input-Output recommends using cabal So, we will use ghcup to install and switch to the required version.
As of 24 February 2020, the download link has limited connectivity from within mainland China. If this is the case, please proceed by manually downloading (ideally via a VPN) and installing Stack per the instructions found on this page pertinent to your operating system.
After installation, your config.yaml file will need to be configured before Stack can download large files consistently from within China (without reliance on a VPN). Please add the following to the bottom of the config.yaml file:
The stack upgrade command, which downloads a Stack executable, or builds it from source, and installs it to Stack's 'local-bin' directory (see stack path --local-bin). If different and permitted, it also installs a copy in the directory of the current Stack executable. (If copying is not permitted, copy stack from Stack's 'local-bin' directory to the system location afterward.) You can use stack upgrade to get the latest official release, and stack upgrade --git to install from GitHub and live on the bleeding edge. Make sure the location of the Stack executable is on the PATH. See the Path section above.
This online editor has plenty of options to practice Haskell programing examples. Go to the terminal section of the page and type "ghci". This command automatically loads Haskell compiler and starts Haskell online. You will receive the following output after using the ghci command.
If you need the most recent development (unstable) version of HSoM instead of the stable Hackage release, you can download it from GitHub and use the same approach as described in the section on installing the development version of Euterpea.
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Cabal, or more precisely cabal-install which is mostly known to Haskellers as the cabal command line program, recently merged a pull request that makes cabal support the XDG Basedir Specification. Previously, cabal would put all of its files in the /.cabal directory. Now the files are spread over multiple directories:
This is obviously a rather invasive change. Does it mean that the next version of cabal will break your workflow? Maybe! But if so, it is not intentional. This change comes with what I hope is rather thorough backwards compatibility behaviour. Basically, if /.cabal exists, or $CABAL_DIR is set, the old behaviour of using a single unified directory will be maintained. And of course, most paths canstill be configured manually in the configuration file.
Beyond whether cabal remains at all functional, I am personally curious whether the XDG simulacrum that is implemented on Windows is at all useful for Windows users, or whether it would be better forcabal to retain a single unified directory on that platform.
Great work, thanks for modernizing cabal configuration.I would like to note cabal ci generates prebuilt binaries for linux, windows and mac for each commit in master. So you dont need built cabal from source to test the new feature.
On Linux, use whatever package manager is standard on your distribution (e.g. apt on Ubuntu, dnf on Fedora). The cabal package you want is probably called cabal-install and the stack package is probably called haskell-stack. However, make sure that the GHC version installed is at least 8.4. 2ff7e9595c