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Download Subversion for free and manage your files with ease


More than 10,000 customers signed up for one of our Subversion hosting plans. SlikSVN offers Subversion hosting plans ranging from Free to Unlimited (but not free). Our hosting service includes uptime guarantees, a control panel to manage repositories and users, and great support.

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This website is the central source of information about Subversion and the community which gives it life. Here, you'll find resources that are useful to existing and potential Subversion users and developers alike. Want to read about Subversion's features? Need to download the latest Subversion release? Perhaps you've thought of a great enhancement and you're wondering how to share the idea with the developers? This site will help you do all that.

Help us keep GeoDa free by contributing here. Thank you for supporting free and open-source spatial software! GeoDa is continuously updated. The most current version is GeoDa 1.20 with new features. We found it to be stable but if you encounter a bug, please let us know. You can also report bugs and issues on our Github site. The source code for GeoDa is available here and is released under the GPL v3.0 license.

Use the resources below to learn how to determine the right Subversive version for your OS platform, Eclipse and SVN environment and download it. Find instructions on how to install the Subversive plug-in and SVN connectors.

Our Subversion setup does not work overHTTP/HTTPS, nor will it in the future. If you have troubleaccessing the Subversion repository, then in 99% of all casesa firewall on your side is the problem. Open TCP port 3690 orfind a machine that can use the svn:// protocol directly.Another alternative is downloading a Subversion snapshot.

Codec packages are the main source of traffic on our servers.To keep the load down please download over BitTorrent wherepossible and read theChangeLogbefore downloading a new package. Sometimes the only change isthe removal of obsolete codecs.

Now download MPlayer's Debian package repository public key. Make sure that thiskey has the fingerprint 81A6 9856 E6FE 8556 91BC 9AFC 957E 566E 3A92 C61F,because only then it is authentic, and make the key known to the aptkeyring afterwards:

TortoiseSVN is a free Windows Subversion client that integrates with Windows Explorer. All standard Subversion client operations can be performed through the Windows user interface. Folder and file icon decorators indicate the status of Subversion files. Command-line tools are mapped with menu items and options are configurable through dialogs boxes. Tortoise also provides sophisticated graphical diff and merge tools that can be helpful for resolving conflicts.

Sure, SVN is free in terms of licensing costs. But its inadequate features come at a very true cost. The cost of developer inefficiency. The cost of operations fixing bugs. The cost of missed releases. And the cost of unhappy customers.

Psychophysics Toolbox Version 3 (PTB-3) is a free set of Matlab and GNU Octave functions for vision and neuroscience research. It makes it easy to synthesize and show accurately controlled visual and auditory stimuli and interact with the observer. Some of its functionality is available as part of Python toolkits like PsychoPy. For commercial support and services visit Follow us on Twitter @psychtoolbox

You must install the 64-Bit GStreamer-1.18.5 MSVC runtime from even if you do not need multi-mediasupport! Do not install the MINGW variant, it will not work, but likely crash!Make absolutely sure that you install all offered packages. Read help GStreamercarefully for this purpose, before downloading and installing GStreamer.

If regular installation via Subversion or package respositories does notwork for some reason, you can also manually download a zip file whichcontains a given Psychtoolbox release, including the source code. Thesedownloads are larger due to inclusion of the source code.

If you cannot install the Subversion client svn for some reason andcan not use Matlab R2014b or later with its integrated svn client, thenyou can also download the ZIP file comprising the whole project. RunningSetupPsychtoolbox from the Psychtoolbox sub-folder from the extractedZIP will add PTB to your Matlab or Octave path.

If you need timely expert support in resolving download or installationissues, we also offer paid support under this link.If everything else fails, contact the Psychtoolbox forum with adescription of what you tried.

Matlab R2014b and later include a builtin Subversion client, whereas if you useearlier versions of Matlab or you use Octave, you will need to install a 3rdparty Subversion client yourself, as described above in step 1 of the downloadinstructions.

When downloading you will get 4 different files. A png illustrating the garment, a pdf ready for print, a dfx that can be imported into any CAD/CAM software and a ZPrj with the pattern assembled in 3D. The ZPrj file can be viewed and altered in CLO.

The Atacac sharewear patterns are licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike CC BY-SA Creative Commons licences. This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon this work even for commercial purposes, as long as they credit Atacac and license their new creations under the identical terms. I.e. you are allowed to make changes and sell garments based on these patterns with the condition that you also share your developed pattern further for free.

When it comes to readily available, free source control, I don't think you can do better than Subversion at the moment. I'm not necessarily advocating Subversion; there are plenty of other great source control systems out there -- but few can match the ubiquity and relative simplicity of Subversion. Beyond that, source control is source control, as long as you're not using Visual SourceSafe. And did I mention that Subversion is ... free?Allow me to illustrate how straightforward it is to get a small Subversion server and client going on Windows. It'll take all of 30 minutes, tops, I promise. And that's assuming you read slowly.The first thing we'll do is download the latest Subversion Windows binary installer. At the time of writing, that's 1.46. I recommend overriding the default install path and going with something shorter:c:svnNote that the installer adds c:svnbin to your path, so you can launch a command prompt and start working with it immediately. Let's create our first source repository, which is effectively a system path.svnadmin create "c:svnrepository"Within that newly created folder, uncomment the following lines in the conf/svnserve.conf file by removing the pound character from the start of each line:anon-access = noneauth-access = writepassword-db = passwdNext, add some users to the conf/passwd file. You can uncomment the default harry and sally users to play with, or add your own:harry = harryssecretsally = sallyssecretAs of Subversion 1.4, you can easily install Subversion as a Windows service, so it's always available. Just issue the following command:sc create svnserver binpath= "c:svnbinsvnserve.exe --service -r c:svnrepository"displayname= "Subversion" depend= Tcpip start= autoIt's set to auto-start so it will start up automatically when the server is rebooted, but it's not running yet. Let's fix that:net start svnserverNote that the service is running under the Local System account. Normally, this is OK, but if you plan to implement any Subversion hook scripts later, you may want to switch the service identity to an Administrator account with more permissions. This is easy enough to do through the traditional Windows services GUI.Now let's verify that things are working locally by adding a root-level folder in source control for our new project, aptly named myproject.set SVN_EDITOR=c:windowssystem32notepad.exesvn mkdir svn://localhost/myprojectIt's a little weird when running locally on the server, as Subversion will pop up a copy of Notepad with a place for us to enter commit comments. Every good programmer always comments their source control actions, right?Enter whatever comment you like, then save and close Notepad. You'll be prompted for credentials at this point; ignore the prompt for Administrator credentials and press enter. Use the credentials you set up earlier in the conf/passwd file. If everything goes to plan, you should be rewarded with a "committed revision 1" message.svn mkdir svn://localhost/myprojectAuthentication realm: Password for 'Administrator': [enter]Authentication realm: Username: sallyPassword for 'sally': ************Committed revision 1.Congratulations! You just checked your first change into source control!We specified svn:// as the prefix to our source control path, which means we're using the native Subversion protocol. The Subversion protocol operates on TCP port 3690, so be sure to poke an appropriate hole in your server's firewall, otherwise clients won't be able to connect.Now that the server's good to go, let's turn our attention to the client. Most people use TortoiseSVN to interact with Subversion. Download the latest 32-bit or 64-bit Windows client ( as of this writing) and install it. The installer will tell you to reboot, but you don't have to.Now create a project folder somewhere on your drive. I used c:myproject. Tortoise isn't a program so much as a shell extension. To interact with it, you right click in Explorer. Once you've created the project folder, right click in it and select "SVN Checkout..."Type svn://servername/myproject/ for the repository URL and click OK.Tortoise now associates the c:myproject folder with the svn://servername/myproject path in source control. Anything you do on your local filesystem path (well, most things-- there are some edge conditions that can get weird) can be checked back in to source control.There's a standard convention in Subversion to start with the "TTB folders" at the root of any project:Because Subversion uses regular directory copies for branching and tagging (see Chapter 4, Branching and Merging), the Subversion community recommends that you choose a repository location for each project root -- the "top-most" directory which contains data related to that project -- and then create three subdirectories beneath that root: trunk, meaning the directory under which the main project development occurs; branches, which is a directory in which to create various named branches of the main development line; tags, which is a collection of tree snapshots that are created, and perhaps destroyed, but never changed.Of course, none of this means your developers will actually understand branching and merging, but as responsible Subversion users, let's dutifully add the TTB folders to our project. Note that we can batch up as many changes as we want and check them all in atomically as one unit. Once we're done, right click the folder and select "SVN Commit..."In the commit dialog, indicate that yes, we do want to check in these files, and we always enter a checkin comment-- right? right?You'll have to enter your server credentials here, but Tortoise will offer to conveniently cache them for you. Once the commit completes, note that the files show up in the shell with source control icon overlays:And now we're done. Well, almost. There are a few settings in Tortoise you need to pay special attention to. Right click and select "TortoiseSVN, Settings".See that hidden ".svn" folder? These folders are where Subversion puts its hidden metadata schmutz so it can keep track of what you're doing in the local filesystem and resolve those changes with the server. The default naming convention of these folders unfortunately conflicts with some fundamental ASP.NET assumptions. If you're an ASP.NET 1.x developer, you need to switch the hidden folders from ".svn" to "_svn" format, which is on the General options page. This hack is no longer necessary in ASP.NET 2.0 or newer.I'll never understand why, but by default, Tortoise tries to apply source control overlays across every single folder and drive on your system. This can lead to some odd, frustrating file locking problems. Much better to let Tortoise know that it should only work its shell magic on specific folders. Set this via "Icon Overlays"; look for the exclude and include paths. I set the exclude path to everything, and the include path to only my project folder(s). 2ff7e9595c

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