On February 28, 2020, OFLC initiated the decommissioning process by transitioning the legacy iCERT System to a read-only mode where users can access their accounts to view, download, or copy information related to their applications.
All OFLC actions related to the resolution of requests for review of the relevant supplemental prevailing wage determinations, which have been stayed since December 20, 2013, will be processed in accordance with this Withdrawal Notice.
F1 2013 Patch 3 Download
Effective February 28, 2020 , iCERT System account users will no longer be able to take any actions on their applications (e.g., delete initiated applications, request redeterminations, request center director reviews, withdraw applications, and upload supporting documents) within the respective Prevailing Wage, LCA, H-2A, or H-2B program areas of the legacy iCERT System. However, iCERT System account users will retain the ability to access their accounts and view, download, or copy information related to their applications after the iCERT System is placed in a read-only mode.
The 2013 Annual Report presents information on the Prevailing Wage Determination Process, Permanent Labor Certification, and Temporary Nonimmigrant Labor Certification for FY 2013. The report also contains State Employment-Based Labor Certification Profiles and top Country Employment-Based Immigration Profiles. Click here to view the 2013 Annual Report.
On July 8, 2013, the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) approved OFLC's revised retention schedule following a 30-day period of public notice and review. As part of its review and approval process, NARA determined employer applications for labor certification and supporting documentation, whether retained in paper and electronic form, are temporary records and subject to destruction in accordance with an approved disposition schedule. The OFLC-approved disposition schedule authorizes the retention of records for a period of 5 years following the date a final determination letter is issued or final action occurs, such as a withdrawn application, subject to an active investigation or litigation hold.
In order to use the "staggered crossing" provision established by the 2014 Appropriations Act, seafood industry employers must download, complete and sign the official attestation , and provide it to the H-2B nonimmigrant worker for presentation, upon request, to the Department of State's Consular Officers and/or the Department of Homeland Security's Customs and Border Protection officers. The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) may be accessed here .
OFLC has posted updated versions of the PERM and Prevailing Wage Disclosure Datasets titled "PERM_FY14_Q3.xlsx" and "PWD_FY14_Q3.xlsx." These updated datasets include cumulative data covering October 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014. Click here to access the disclosure files and corresponding record layouts.
OFLC has become aware of an anomaly in the published Prevailing Wage Disclosure datasets titled " PWD_FY 2013.xlsx " and " PWD_FY 2014_Q2.xlsx " The error is with respect to the listing of wage levels (Level I-IV) under the column "Pwd_Wage_Level" for all H-2B wage determinations issued on or after April 24, 2013. Effective April 24, 2013 wage levels I-IV were no longer issued for all H-2B wages, and the wage level listed on the disclosure dataset is inaccurate. H-2B OES Wages were and are issued at the OES mean wage.
Labor Condition Applications (LCA) retained in the LCA Online System: As of Thursday, April 17, 2014, the OFLC no longer has access to employer H-1B, H-1B1 or E-3 application records that are beyond the retention period of 5 years from a date of final determination or final action, and stored in the LCA Online System which is located at: . The records have been destroyed in accordance with OFLC's Record Schedule DAA-0369-2013-0002. Prior to the destruction of the records, any records within the 5 year retention period, part of an active investigation, Freedom of Information Act requests, or mandatory litigation hold have been identified and were not destroyed.
In order to use the "staggered crossing" provision established by the 2014 Appropriations Act, seafood industry employers must download, complete and sign the official attestation, and provide it to the H-2B nonimmigrant worker for presentation, upon request, to the Department of State's Consular Officers and/or the Department of Homeland Security's Customs and Border Protection officers. The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) may be accessed here.
On December 3, 2013, The Board of Alien Labor Certification Appeals (BALCA) issued an en banc decision in The Matter of Island Holdings LLC (2013-PWD-00002). That decision vacated the supplemental prevailing wage determinations issued in light of the Department's Interim Final H-2B Wage Rule (78 Fed. Reg. 24047, April 24, 2013). A class action complaint has been filed in the district court in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, challenging the Island Holdings decision, CATA v. Perez , 13-CV-07213. After a full review of the Island Holdings decision and the district court complaint, the Department has decided to postpone action on the Island Holdings decision pending judicial review, as permitted by the Administrative Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C. 705. This action is in the interest of justice, given the confusion and substantial disruption that would be created if the Department implemented the decision and it was subsequently overturned by the district court. Accordingly, all OFLC actions related to the resolution of appeals in the supplemental prevailing wage decisions will be stayed, pending the resolution of the district court action. Please continue to check back on this site for additional information.
The Office of Foreign Labor Certification has posted revised program factsheets containing the FY 2013 selected statistics for the Permanent Labor Certification Program, and the FY 2013 H-2A Temporary Agricultural Labor Certification Program. The revised program factsheets may be found on OFLC's Performance Data page.
On October 17, 2013, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced a change in the schedule for the release of certain reports due to the lapse in Federal appropriations resulting in the Government shutdown. Among the affected reports is the Farm Labor Survey (FLS) report upon which the Department relies in order to establish the Adverse Effect Wage Rates in the H-2A program. The new release date for the FLS report will be December 5, 2013. To learn more, please read the USDA News Release.
The Office of Foreign Labor Certification has posted updated program factsheets containing the Quarter 4 FY 2013 selected statistics for the Permanent Labor Certification Program, Prevailing Wage Determination Program, H-1B Temporary Visa Program, H-2A Temporary Agricultural Visa Program, and H-2B Temporary Non-agricultural Visa Program. The updated program factsheets may also be found on OFLC's Performance Data page.
On July 8, 2013, the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) approved OFLC's revised retention schedule following a 30-day period of public notice and review. As part of its review and approval process, NARA determined employer applications for labor certification and supporting documentation, whether retained in paper and electronic form, are temporary records and subject to destruction in accordance with an approved disposition schedule. The OFLC-approved disposition schedule authorizes the retention of records for a period of 5 years following the date a final determination letter is issued, subject to an active investigation or litigation hold.
Permanent program applications retained in the OFLC Permanent Backlog System (PBLS): As of October 25, 2013 the OFLC no longer has access to employer application records that are beyond the retention period of 5 years from the date a final determination was issued and stored in the PBLS system. The PBLS system, which was previously used by the OFLC Backlog Processing Centers, has now been destroyed in accordance with OFLC Records Schedule Number DAA-0369-2013-0002. Prior to destruction of the PBLS system software and database, any records within the 5-year retention period, active investigation, Freedom of Information Act requests, or mandatory litigation hold have been identified and were not destroyed.
On October 21st, OFLC announced, as a temporary accommodation not to exceed 30 days, it would send an Adobe PDF of an approved certification to H-2A employers and authorized representatives. That accommodation will be continued through November 18, 2013.
On Oct. 21, 2013, DOL issued an announcement to H-2A stakeholders stating that once the TLC is certified, the Chicago National Processing Center will send an email to the employer and its authorized representative containing an Adobe PDF of the labor certification. The employer would need to print, sign and date the PDF version for submission to USCIS with the Form I-129, Petition for Nonimmigrant Worker. 2ff7e9595c